Welcome to Byte-Mix Sound Design! I offer live, on-site recording services to local bands, musicians, and students around the Main Line of Philadelphia. After recording, I bring the material back to the studio to edit and mix if desired. If you have any questions, please get in touch through the Contact page.
Here, you'll find information about myself, the music I work with, and links to various points of interest for hobbyists and professionals alike. Information about the services I provide may be found on the Pricing Information page.
Feel free to give my music a listen, (links to my soundcloud portfolio are on the Music page) or read up on some tips for getting started with your own. I have plans to add more guides as I find time to write them.
Enjoy your stay!
COVID-19 Status: With venues and other locations opening up, and my own band's rehearsals back to being in full swing, I'm considering opening up additional services in the near future. On the small scale, possibly even offering in-house tracking or using the space for rehearsals and jams a couple times a month.